Sunday 26 May 2013



Mandeli fish are the anchovies found in abundance along the coast. I love fish and thanks to my DAd, I developed a taste for the fresh Mandeli fish .

The Mandeli is a mouth watering accompaniment that goes well with Khichudi or a daal and rice combination and a beer . If you haven’t tried it out yet, then you must. But keep in mind that fresh Mandeli should have a pinkish tinge and no part of the body should be disfigured. If you are not sure of the quality of the fish, then ask your local fish vendor to help you procure good quality Mandeli.

Here is my recipe for mandali fry....

 In this case, the Mandeli is bought whole from the market, the scales are cleared  a knife and the head removed with all the other grime.


Mandeli 15 to 20, green chilly, garlic, ginger , turmeric 1 tsp, lemon juice 1 tbsp, salt to taste , rice flour coarsely grinded 2 tabsp to coat the fish. Oil to shallow fry 4 masala (optional)

Method:Clean the fish properly marinate it with salt and turmeric power and lemon and keep for 10 mins

On the other side make a paste of green chilly, garlic and ginger add little fish masala and keep the masala ready

 Coat the Mandeli with the masala and little rice flour and fry it in hot refined oil on a tava until crisp.

 The best part of frying Mandeli is, that this soft, tender and plump fish turns crisp when fried, which makes it even more delectable.
Eat with dal rice and a beer

Hope you all like it.

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