Friday 14 June 2013


This unpredictable weather can do terrible things to a girl’s wardrobe.......................

 It can definitely be tough to dress for a rainy day because there are so many things to consider. From what type of material you can wear to how to stay dry without sacrificing style, dressing well when it’s rainy out requires a little planning in advance.

Here’s a very simple outfit that you could throw on in 5 seconds and wear on a rainy summer day. A striped dress is a step above when added  with some basic black motorcycle boots with a basic raincoat and A Fancy umbrella.... how great is the cloud umbrella? Completely genius if you ask me.

This outfit would be perfect for a day when it’s REALLY raining. The jacket is  super waterproof. But unlike the typical ugly yellow poncho, this one actually has style. When paired with neutral grey rain boots and a bubble umbrella with a hint of pink, the overall look is functional and cute at the same time.

If you’re not the type to rock a typical rain boot, you can always wear regular boots with a bit of a heel. Layering a pretty, summery dress under a long-sleeved cardigan and 3/4 sleeve jacket will add dimension to your outfit as well as keep you dry. Add light colour jeans with a bright scarf water proof bag and a flowery umbrella and you’re set!

Keep it stylish girls rock this rains with fashion.

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