Monday 10 June 2013


Another bad hair day? A glorious crown of healthy hair can really make or break your entire look. Here are some simple points that when adhered to, can make your hair healthier.
Here is my DIY Hair mask u can try at home......

 Take half a cup of fenugreeek (methi) seeds
Soak it in two-and-a-half cups of water overnight.
Now take the soaked methi seeds and put it in a mixer- grinder jar. Add some water and grind till smooth.  
Add 2 tbs of curd
 Now apply this methi paste on your hairs
Leave it on for a while and then wash off.

While shampooing your hair...
Make sure that you concentrate on cleansing the scalp, so, gentle but firm fingers should massage the scalp along with the lather. After washing, apply a creamy conditioner. Coat every section of your hair and then wash off properly.

 Heat-styling your hair or using irons and hot curlers. Let your hair dry naturally.
 Products like some hair styling gels that contain alcohol.
 Using unclean accessories. Keep your combs and brushes clean always.
 Washing your hair with harsh shampoos too often.

I hope you all will try and see best result on hairs...


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