Tuesday 10 September 2013

How to get rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can occur during sudden changes in body size, such as during pregnancy, puberty, or rapid weight-gain. Ninety percent of pregnant women will get stretch marks around their abdomen, hips and thighs, and unfortunately, they seem to be genetic — if your mom had stretch marks, odds are that you will too.
Fear not, though. There are some things you can do to prevent stretch marks, as well as reducing the appearance of both new and old ones. 

1.Skin Exfoliation:

Removal or exfoliation of dead or damaged skin cells can help to diminish your stretch marks, and offer a revitalising glow to your skin. You can make use of a loofah to perform exfoliation on a frequent basis. You can also use exfoliation creams that are available in the market, when taking a bath.

2.Use a moisturizer:

A study comparing herbal moisturizers found that people who lotioned-up daily showed significant improvement in skin appearance and elasticity . Think of it this way: if your skin has a lot of stretching to do, it's less likely to tear and create stretch marks if it's hydrated. Use lotion on new stretch marks, or on areas where you're worried about getting them in the future. 

3. Retino A:

Retino A creams promote skin cell turnover. This implies that new skin cells get produced fast to replace your scarred, older skin cells. You can also expect to see rapid improvements in the stretch marks within two weeks, if you apply the cream regularly.

You should not use any products containing retinoic acid if you are pregnant or nursing. It can potentially cause birth defects in humans

Retino-A won't be as effective on old stretch marks.

Limit sun exposure of skin that you're treating with Retino-A. It could be more susceptible to burning.

4.Healthy Diet:

Eating a healthy diet is vital for the growth of collagen fibbers within the skin. Your diet must be rich in proteins, vitamins and zinc content. Drinking adequate water is also important as water content in our body helps to keep the body hydrated and maintains the elasticity of the skin that in turn can further diminish the risk of forming stretch marks. Though diet doesn’t work to reduce the marks very quickly but, if it is used in combination with other treatments, it can aid to expedite the healing process.

5.Try Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E oil is often said to be the miracle cure for stretch marks, though one study shows that it's most effective on women who have already been pregnant before, and has not been effective in general use Still, it can't hurt in moderate doses.Try mixing your Vitamin E oil with a carrier lotion, such as a regular unscented moisturizer, for better coverage.

6.Increase your Vitamin C intake:

 One dermatologist suggests that 500 mg of Vitamin C, taken as an oral supplement, can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.For even better results, try using a topical glycolic acid along with Vitamin C.

7.Massages And Hot Baths:

Frequent massages and hot baths can assist in reducing the stretch marks fast. This is because enhanced blood circulation can lead to quicker repairing of your skin and it can eventually result in the lessening of stretch marks. Coconut oil or olive oil can prove to be the best for massaging as well as moisturizing the skin.
Here are some oils commonly promoted for stretch marks:
You can apply them directly onto the skin, or use a carrier (such as coconut oil or an unscented moisturizer) to make application easier. 

Take care of your skin .

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