

Hi every one i thought i will write a short dairy share my experience with you all .....
I hope every body's been enjoying 2013 so far. It's flying by isn't it?                    All i want to say you all is enjoy your life and HAVE FAITH

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase," is how Martin Luther King Jr. described it. Faith is a simple, five letter word, yet it's the most important thing we can have in life. It affects everything we say, think, and do in our everyday lives.
even u can if u have time motivation and interest all can achieve every thing in our life
don't be afraid of the world just look for an inspiration and follow the path rest leave it on god
please guys don't waste your time I hope people will cherish every second of their life because we're not made to last forever here. If today was our last day on earth and we didn't know and our lives suddenly ended- what if you spent the day sweating the small stuff? What if you spent it gossipping and judging others? You can build up a fortune so you can live more comfortably in the future but there may not be a day you'll get to see any of it. Realise what truly matters.
even i am slowing learning this 

Swami Vivekananda believed that majority of miseries in this world would not have existed if power of faith had been practised by all. Ups and downs are common in everyone’s life, but a person having faith knows deep inside his or her heart that the period of struggle will become a passe in his or her life, if he or she faces all the miseries with a brave heart. Tolstoy has correctly said that faith is the force of life. Faith is the mother of success. With it anything is possible.

So, you can achieve everything if you have faith that you will certainly win one day by your determination, hard work and courage. Keep your faith intact and work towards achieving your goal.

 I love you guys so much.

 Just have faith

 love *_*


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