Saturday 18 July 2015

A year has passed by ........

               A year sometimes seems like a long period of time, and other times it seems to go by so quickly.You all must be wondering   what happened to Aaisha ( if you guys remember or you ever read my blogs ) I just looked like I am dead ......

In dead Dead I was....... Life comes in different Phrases and blogging was one of those phrases. There where so many changes in life from the last post and till date.  I got a new full time job , traveled different places discovered the real meaning of life ,handwork and patience .

Even thou the new life seemed to be interesting at first but it took away some basics from me and I allways wanted to go back to my basic i.e is writing ( I missed my blog ) . Working full time in an organisation is good only for good early days but the monotonous life will kill you Exactly what happened to me ....I am paid but frustrated . Working but Tired , I do the same shit every day ......

But today I made a promise to mt self  I  will not left go ..... Where I belong and what I love to do no matter how busy how frustrated and tired I am I am going to do what I love the most ... I am not going to write blog that often but  will make sure I am in the system ...

All I have to tell you all is it took more then a year to discover what I really want in my life and where I belong its not that I will leave my full time job and go back only writing blog but I will try to manage both at once lets see how good it work ...My only message to you all is please take time and discover where you really belong and take time for it small things make huge difference in you life It can be anything you love do what keeps you happy .

Love ..

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