Friday 2 August 2013


It's hardly news that exercise is great for your heart, lungs, and mental outlook. Here's another reason to get moving. Regular exercise is one of the keys to healthy skin.Exercise has all sorts of outer benefits beyond the trim waist and toned muscles that most of us associate with gym-goers. Did you know it’s also great for your breasts, your posture and your skin?

Here are some Beauty Benefits of Exercise

1. Get an instant glow:

Forget fancy lotions and expensive potions, exercise is one of the best ways to nourish and revitalise tired skin cells. Before you invest in another treatment mask, try taking a brisk walk or jog. By getting your heart pumping and increasing circulation your skin receives a delicious dose of oxygenated blood that boosts detoxification and cell renewal. Did someone say gorgeous post-workout glow? “We tend to focus on the cardiovascular benefits of physical activity, and those are important. But anything that promotes healthy circulation also helps keep your skin healthy and vibrant,” 

2.Good posture:

So long, slouchy shoulders! Regular strength training buffs up your bones and lowers your risk of osteoporosis. It also helps to keep your joints arthritis-free. 

3. Reverse the ageing process:

Jumping on the treadmill or cross trainer for 30 minutes can be an instant way to blow off tension by boosting levels of soothing brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and nor epinephrine. What's fascinating, though, is that exercise may actually work on a cellular level to reverse the toll of stress on our ageing process. In a study conducted found that stressed-out women who exercised vigorously for an average of 45 minutes over a three-day period had cells that showed significantly fewer signs of ageing compared to women who were stressed and not active.

4.Trim waistline:

 Did you know that one pound of muscle burns 50 to 150 calories per day, while one pound of fat burns only three calories per day? By building muscle mass, you’ll raise your metabolism and burn calories even when you’re not moving! Exercise also helps reduce belly fat (so long, muffin top). 

5. Sleep better:

The National Sleep Foundation reports that exercise in the afternoon can help deepen shut-eye and cut the time it takes for you to fall into dreamland. They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing, either! In deep sleep the body secretes a growth hormone that helps repair and rebuild body tissues, playing a big part in maintaining collagen matrix and promoting that glow of youthfulness that comes from a great night’s sleep.

But a fit body wouldn’t be beautiful without all the inner beauty benefits that exercise gives you, too. So celebrate your weight loss accomplishments (you’ve earned it!), but don’t spend too much time in front of the mirror. Focus on how you feel, instead. When you treat your body right, you’ll see amazing results on the outside. 
So put up your shoes girls and start with some exercise

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